應網友要求製作糞game 一個從你家走到酒吧的RPG是要解啥任務www

圖片來自: bonerman_inc · Storify
tweetjam idea by @ABigBagOfKeys "an rpg where you have to walk from your house to the bar" pic.twitter.com/1GN3OYpN2p
— a spooky boneman rip (@bonerman_inc) 2015 8月 10日
tweetjam idea by @vanasty "typing the wifi password at your parents house as your mom reads it out from undernea...." pic.twitter.com/tfCqleqhcj
— a spooky boneman rip (@bonerman_inc) 2015 8月 11日
tweetjam idea by @quendergeer "surgeon simulator but you have to simulate being an adult" pic.twitter.com/yczNZSFnIl
— a spooky boneman rip (@bonerman_inc) 2015 8月 12日
看到這裡就來說說這個製作者吧~其實他正是之前那個《與老爸一起洗澡》的遊戲作者,難怪風格很眼熟吼XDDD 他目前為止作的23款《應網友要求製作的遊戲》都收集在【這裡】,大家有興趣可以去看看其他作品ww
tweetjam idea by @Zoeofdoom " try to keep the cat from running out the front door when yr leaving late to work" pic.twitter.com/cnYSvT57BO
— a spooky boneman rip (@bonerman_inc) 2015 8月 20日
tweetjam idea by @jonnysun "bagel man vs a donugt" pic.twitter.com/UYhIXjzd7x
— a spooky boneman rip (@bonerman_inc) 2015 8月 29日
tweetjam idea by @SiloCast "avoid the boss while watching youtube at work" pic.twitter.com/bqreazFfeE
— a spooky boneman rip (@bonerman_inc) 2015 8月 26日
tweetjam idea by @AlmightyBoob "president cat goes to mars" pic.twitter.com/yxeqIPtzhT
— a spooky boneman rip (@bonerman_inc) 2015 8月 23日
tweetjam idea by @reiley "increasingly-large dog tries not to cause too much trouble" pic.twitter.com/ZFDD07Q2lw
— a spooky boneman rip (@bonerman_inc) 2015 8月 14日
部分資料來自網路 ( 140 games or less with image tweet · bonerman_inc · Storify )